Friday, June 18, 2010

Happy Summer!

Thanks for a wonderful year. You were an amazing, hard-working and fun class. I'll miss you all!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Capturing Heat

Writing scientific observations....
Waiting..... watching

On Wednesday, our science groups designed and performed experiments about heat. We worked on these successful projects in our science groups to plan and perform the experiments. Most of the experiments were completed. Our class worked outside to capture the suns energy. the sun was a big part in these experiments. Today, we're going to share the outcomes of our experiments, because each one was a little different. We got very successful results in room3!!!!

Helping Preschool Make T-Shirts

Helping the pre-schoolers design tee-shirts for their concert...
Getting to know our little friends!
Painting rainbows
Lots of colors to choose from!
Deciding what to do...
Working together!

On Tuesday afternoon, we helped the preschoolers make t-shirts. They have their concert coming up about colors. Their teachers thought it would be nice if the helping fourth graders lent a hand to the preschoolers. Since their show is about colors we helped paint rainbows on their shirts. Everyone had a great time- Preschool and Fourth Grade!!!

Field Day

Kids and Teachers having tons of fun at the water balloon toss!
The Fourth grade played a few games of super fun 4 ball soccer!
In between our fun & games we saw a frog sitting on a log at the pond!
From 2 ball soccer to time resting in the shade by the pond...
Taking a break in the cool shade...
Here are a whole bunch of girls making a 10 people People-Pyramid!
Still chillin'
More exciting pyramids!
Now it's the boys turn to show their gymnastics skills.

Tuesday, June 8th was Field Day at the Winthrop School. The classes had an amazing time being active whether that was throwing water balloons at each other, jumping hurdles or even sitting back and watching a movie! We had a fun packed day as Room 3 moved from station to station. It can't get much better than that in the last 2 weeks of school!

Friday, June 4, 2010

How do warm masses air and cold air masses act?

Today in science, we did an experiment to see which is denser - warm air masses or cold air masses. The answer was that cold air masses are denser than warm air masses. Warm air masses go on top of cold air masses. Cold air masses go on the bottom. Warm air masses rise and cold air masses drop in to take their place. We showed this by using vegetable oil with red food coloring (to imitate a warm air mass) and cold water with blue food coloring (to imitate a cold air mass). It was fun to test which is denser.

by Clayton and Aynsley

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Tiger Trot

Today, we ran laps in the Tiger Trot to raise money for our school playground. It was a lovely day to be outdoors! Some people ran and some walked.

This was Aynsley's cheering squad. They had a little cheer!

After the Tiger Trot, we tallied our number of laps. Claudia and Pat found the median number of laps that we ran. We also found other landmark data based on our Tiger Trot laps. Don't we love math???

Everyone had a positive attitude about the Tiger Trot, and we hope that our efforts raised some serious cash for the Winthrop playground!

Thanks to Mrs. Corcoran for organizing such a great event. It was a blast!